I\'m tryign to change the text alignment to the center of 2 merged sells, I\'ve found some answers that didn\'t work for my case
currentCell = ws.cell(\'A1\')
This is what finally worked for me with the latest version from PIP (2.2.5)
# center all cells
for col in w_sheet.columns:
for cell in col:
# openpyxl styles aren't mutable,
# so you have to create a copy of the style, modify the copy, then set it back
alignment_obj = cell.alignment.copy(horizontal='center', vertical='center')
cell.alignment = alignment_obj
As of openpyxl version 2.4.0 (~2016) the .copy()
method is deprecated for StyleProxy objects.
Try changing the last two lines to:
from copy import copy
alignment_obj = copy(cell.alignment)
alignment_obj.horizontal = 'center'
alignment_obj.vertical = 'center'
cell.alignment = alignment_obj