I\'m looking for a good solution for a client/server communication with UDP sockets in Go language.
The examples I found on the Internet show me how to send data to the
Check the below samples for client/server communication over UDP. The sendResponse routine is for sending response back to client.
package main
import (
func main() {
p := make([]byte, 2048)
conn, err := net.Dial("udp", "")
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Some error %v", err)
fmt.Fprintf(conn, "Hi UDP Server, How are you doing?")
_, err = bufio.NewReader(conn).Read(p)
if err == nil {
fmt.Printf("%s\n", p)
} else {
fmt.Printf("Some error %v\n", err)
package main
import (
func sendResponse(conn *net.UDPConn, addr *net.UDPAddr) {
_,err := conn.WriteToUDP([]byte("From server: Hello I got your message "), addr)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Couldn't send response %v", err)
func main() {
p := make([]byte, 2048)
addr := net.UDPAddr{
Port: 1234,
IP: net.ParseIP(""),
ser, err := net.ListenUDP("udp", &addr)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Some error %v\n", err)
for {
_,remoteaddr,err := ser.ReadFromUDP(p)
fmt.Printf("Read a message from %v %s \n", remoteaddr, p)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Some error %v", err)
go sendResponse(ser, remoteaddr)