I have used TimePicker to make the user to choose time see here and here also. But I didnot find a way to make the user to select second also. Now user can select Hour and Minut
I wrote a Kotlin extension function to do this. It's messy but it gets the job done:
* Adds seconds number picker into the [TimePicker] format programmatically.
* */
fun TimePicker.addSeconds() {
val system = Resources.getSystem()
val idHour = system.getIdentifier("hour", "id", "android")
val idMinute = system.getIdentifier("minute", "id", "android")
val idAmPm = system.getIdentifier("amPm", "id", "android")
val idLayout = system.getIdentifier("timePickerLayout", "id", "android")
val spinnerHour = findViewById(idHour) as NumberPicker
val spinnerMinute = findViewById(idMinute) as NumberPicker
val spinnerAmPm = findViewById(idAmPm) as NumberPicker
val outerLayout = findViewById(idLayout) as LinearLayout
val layout = outerLayout.getChildAt(0) as LinearLayout
(spinnerAmPm.parent as ViewGroup).removeView(spinnerAmPm)
setImeOptions(spinnerHour, 0)
setImeOptions(spinnerMinute, 1)
val spinnerSecond = createSecondPicker(spinnerHour.context)
setImeOptions(spinnerAmPm, 2)
val params = spinnerHour.layoutParams
spinnerSecond.layoutParams = params
setImeOptions(spinnerAmPm, 3)
private fun createSecondPicker(context: Context): NumberPicker {
val spinnerSecond = NumberPicker(context)
spinnerSecond.id = R.id.second
spinnerSecond.setFormatter { i -> String.format("%02d", i) }
spinnerSecond.minValue = 0
spinnerSecond.maxValue = 59
return spinnerSecond
You'll also need to add this id to res/values/ids.xml
so that you can reference the seconds field programmatically using R.id.second
Shoutout to this post for the idea: https://stackoverflow.com/a/60601077/1709354