I have set up a WebSocket server using http-kit that should accept web socket connections. It is the basic example shown in the http-kit documentation.
The quest
According to this announcement, http-kit has support for web sockets. If you're not bound to the asynchronous facilities that http-kit client offer, you could also use clj-http. They have a very similar interface, it seems (I have use but clj-http yet).
(ns playground.experiments.ws
(:use aleph.http lamina.core))
(defn ws-client [] (websocket-client {:url "ws://echo.websocket.org:80"}))
(defn echo [message]
(let [channel (wait-for-result (ws-client) 500)]
(enqueue channel message)
(let [echo (wait-for-result (read-channel channel) 500)]
(close channel)
(echo "Echo me!")