In a Windows environment, I\'m trying to load a .csv file with statement:
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM \"file:///E:/Neo4j/customers.csv\" AS row
I was getting this error on Community Edition 3.0.1 on Mac OS X 10.10
It appears that the LOAD CSV file:///
looks for files in a predefined directory. One would think that in the argument that one would give the Cypher statement the full path but that is not the case.
The file:///
- for my situation" meant that neo4j would append the given argument you gave to one that was already predefined and then go look for that combined path
The file:///
pre-defined directory directory did not exist entirely
, in my computers directory structure I was missing the "/import" folder, which was not created at install
To fix on my system, I created an "import" directory, put the file to be read in that directory. I executed the Cypher load statement I ONLY put the name of the file to be read in the file argument i.e.
LOAD CSV file:///data.csv
this worked for me.