I\'m running a CI machine with the Xcode.
The tests are triggered using fastlane gym
. I see this line in the output:
2019-05-27 16:04
I think blaming "Finished requesting crash reports. Continuing with testing" may be a red herring. I was having several jobs stop at this step, but when I looked closer (I ran the lane locally and tailed the logs) I saw that my test was failing due to something else. It looks like Fastlane doesn't correctly show how long this step takes, in fact, I think if you're seeing that message, the process is already complete, and your tests are running. That changing concurrency fixes it for you may indicate your tests are failing due to a race condition.
So, anyway. Install fastlane locally, run your lane locally, tail -f the build output as well as the log file and see if the problem is revealed there. It was for me, but, as with everything, YMMV.