I try to run this example for decision tree learning, but get the following error message:
File \"coco.py\", line 18, in graph.write_pdf(\"iris.pdf
I did face similar issue and the way it was corrected was by changing the path.
This is what I did :
Copy paste "graphiz" path from your computer to Environment variable>Path from the control panel
Example: Graphiz path : C:\Apps\Program Files\Continuum\Anaconda2\Library\bin\graphviz)
(I had installed it on Apps folder. It could be in a diff path for you)
Setting path in Environment Variable :
Go to Control Panel>Control Panel\System and Security\System .Click Advanced Setting and then Advanced .You'll find Environment variables at bottom right. Click Path to edit and save it . Close your IDE and re open it .
It worked for me .