The Youtube V3 API uses ISO8601 time format to describe the duration of videos. Something likes \"PT1M13S\". And now I want to convert the string to the number of seconds (for
And yet another long way to do the same.
// PT1H9M24S --> 1:09:24
// PT2H1S" --> 2:00:01
// PT23M2S --> 23:02
// PT31S --> 0:31
public String convertDuration(String duration) {
duration = duration.substring(2); // del. PT-symbols
String H, M, S;
// Get Hours:
int indOfH = duration.indexOf("H"); // position of H-symbol
if (indOfH > -1) { // there is H-symbol
H = duration.substring(0,indOfH); // take number for hours
duration = duration.substring(indOfH); // del. hours
duration = duration.replace("H",""); // del. H-symbol
} else {
H = "";
// Get Minutes:
int indOfM = duration.indexOf("M"); // position of M-symbol
if (indOfM > -1) { // there is M-symbol
M = duration.substring(0,indOfM); // take number for minutes
duration = duration.substring(indOfM); // del. minutes
duration = duration.replace("M",""); // del. M-symbol
// If there was H-symbol and less than 10 minutes
// then add left "0" to the minutes
if (H.length() > 0 && M.length() == 1) {
M = "0" + M;
} else {
// If there was H-symbol then set "00" for the minutes
// otherwise set "0"
if (H.length() > 0) {
M = "00";
} else {
M = "0";
// Get Seconds:
int indOfS = duration.indexOf("S"); // position of S-symbol
if (indOfS > -1) { // there is S-symbol
S = duration.substring(0,indOfS); // take number for seconds
duration = duration.substring(indOfS); // del. seconds
duration = duration.replace("S",""); // del. S-symbol
if (S.length() == 1) {
S = "0" + S;
} else {
S = "00";
if (H.length() > 0) {
return H + ":" + M + ":" + S;
} else {
return M + ":" + S;