The Youtube V3 API uses ISO8601 time format to describe the duration of videos. Something likes \"PT1M13S\". And now I want to convert the string to the number of seconds (for
Here is my solution
public class MyDateFromat{
public static void main(String args[]){
String ytdate = "PT1H1M15S";
String result = ytdate.replace("PT","").replace("H",":").replace("M",":").replace("S","");
String arr[]=result.split(":");
String timeString = String.format("%d:%02d:%02d", Integer.parseInt(arr[0]), Integer.parseInt(arr[1]),Integer.parseInt(arr[2]));
It will return a string in H:MM:SS format if you want to convert in seconds you can use
int timeInSedonds = int timeInSecond = Integer.parseInt(arr[0])*3600 + Integer.parseInt(arr[1])*60 +Integer.parseInt(arr[2])
Note: it can throw exception so please handle it based on size of result.split(":");