I was wondering whether or not it is possible to implement a slight delay on $scope.$watch. I have the following which queries the server, so I\'d like to implement a slight del
Normally i'd say use angular's $timeout for this delay but you cant clear this timeout yet.
//EDIT:you can.
Set a timeout and clear it, if this watcher gets triggered fast enought.
Like this:
var timeoutCode;
var delayInMs = 2000;
$scope.$watch("query", function(query) {
clearTimeout(timeoutCode); //does nothing, if timeout alrdy done
timeoutCode = setTimeout(function(){ //Set timeout
$scope.loading = true;
returnFactory.query(query).then(function(returns) {
$scope.returns = returns;
$scope.loading = false;
UPDATE Thanks to stewie this can be achieved with angular's $timeout.
var timeoutPromise;
var delayInMs = 2000;
$scope.$watch("query", function(query) {
$timeout.cancel(timeoutPromise); //does nothing, if timeout alrdy done
timeoutPromise = $timeout(function(){ //Set timeout
$scope.loading = true;
returnFactory.query(query).then(function (returns) {
$scope.returns = returns;
$scope.loading = false;