offers holesOf, which is a somewhat more general and powerful version of this hypothetical function:
holesList :: Traversable t
This doesn't really answer the original question, but it shows another angle. It looks like this question is actually tied rather deeply to a previous question I asked. Suppose that Traversable
had an additional method:
traverse2 :: Biapplicative f
=> (a -> f b c) -> t a -> f (t b) (t c)
Note: This method can actually be implemented legitimately for any concrete Traversable
datatype. For oddities like
newtype T a = T (forall f b. Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> f (T b))
see the illegitimate ways in the answers to the linked question.
With that in place, we can design a type very similar to Roman's, but with a twist from rampion's:
newtype Holes t m x = Holes { runHoles :: (x -> t) -> (m, x) }
instance Bifunctor (Holes t) where
bimap f g xs = Holes $ \xt ->
(qf, qv) = runHoles xs (xt . g)
in (f qf, g qv)
instance Biapplicative (Holes t) where
bipure x y = Holes $ \_ -> (x, y)
fs <<*>> xs = Holes $ \xt ->
(pf, pv) = runHoles fs (\cd -> xt (cd qv))
(qf, qv) = runHoles xs (\c -> xt (pv c))
in (pf qf, pv qv)
Now everything is dead simple:
holedOne :: a -> Holes (t a) (a, a -> t a) a
holedOne x = Holes $ \xt -> ((x, xt), x)
holed :: Traversable t => t a -> t (a, a -> t a)
holed xs = fst (runHoles (traverse2 holedOne xs) id)