offers holesOf, which is a somewhat more general and powerful version of this hypothetical function:
holesList :: Traversable t
Here is an implementation that is short, total (if you ignore the circularity), doesn't use any intermediate data structures, and is lazy (works on any kind of infinite traversable):
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Traversable
holes :: Traversable t => t a -> t (a, a -> t a)
holes t = flip runKA id $ for t $ \a ->
KA $ \k ->
let f a' = fst <$> k (a', f)
in (a, f)
newtype KA r a = KA { runKA :: (a -> r) -> a }
instance Functor (KA r) where fmap f a = pure f <*> a
instance Applicative (KA r) where
pure a = KA (\_ -> a)
liftA2 f (KA ka) (KA kb) = KA $ \cr ->
a = ka ar
b = kb br
ar a' = cr $ f a' b
br b' = cr $ f a b'
in f a b
is a "lazy continuation applicative functor". If we replace it with the standard Cont
monad, we also get a working solution, which is not lazy, however:
import Control.Monad.Cont
import Data.Traversable
holes :: Traversable t => t a -> t (a, a -> t a)
holes t = flip runCont id $ for t $ \a ->
cont $ \k ->
let f a' = fst <$> k (a', f)
in k (a, f)