offers holesOf, which is a somewhat more general and powerful version of this hypothetical function:
holesList :: Traversable t
I have not managed to find a really beautiful way to do this. That might be because I'm not clever enough, but I suspect it is an inherent limitation of the type of traverse
. But I have found a way that's only a little bit ugly! The key indeed seems to be the extra type argument that Magma
uses, which gives us the freedom to build a framework expecting a certain element type and then fill in the elements later.
data Mag a b t where
Pure :: t -> Mag a b t
Map :: (x -> t) -> Mag a b x -> Mag a b t
Ap :: Mag a b (t -> u) -> Mag a b t -> Mag a b u
One :: a -> Mag a b b
instance Functor (Mag a b) where
fmap = Map
instance Applicative (Mag a b) where
pure = Pure
(<*>) = Ap
-- We only ever call this with id, so the extra generality
-- may be silly.
runMag :: forall a b t. (a -> b) -> Mag a b t -> t
runMag f = go
go :: forall u. Mag a b u -> u
go (Pure t) = t
go (One a) = f a
go (Map f x) = f (go x)
go (Ap fs xs) = go fs (go xs)
We recursively descend a value of type Mag x (a, a -> t a) (t (a, a -> t a))
in parallel with one of type Mag a a (t a)
using the latter to produce the a
and a -> t a
values and the former as a framework for building t (a, a -> t)
from those values. x
will actually be a
; it's left polymorphic to make the "type tetris" a little less confusing.
-- Precondition: the arguments should actually be the same;
-- only their types will differ. This justifies the impossibility
-- of non-matching constructors.
smash :: forall a x t u.
Mag x (a, a -> t) u
-> Mag a a t
-> u
smash = go id
go :: forall r b.
(r -> t)
-> Mag x (a, a -> t) b
-> Mag a a r
-> b
go f (Pure x) _ = x
go f (One x) (One y) = (y, f)
go f (Map g x) (Map h y) = g (go (f . h) x y)
go f (Ap fs xs) (Ap gs ys) =
(go (f . ($ runMag id ys)) fs gs)
(go (f . runMag id gs) xs ys)
go _ _ _ = error "Impossible!"
We actually produce both Mag
values (of different types!) using a single call to traverse
. These two values will actually be represented by a single structure in memory.
holes :: forall t a. Traversable t => t a -> t (a, a -> t a)
holes t = smash mag mag
mag :: Mag a b (t b)
mag = traverse One t
Now we can play with fun values like
holes (Reverse [1..])
where Reverse
is from Data.Functor.Reverse