I am using R to process Census data which uses really long numeric GEOIDs to identify the geographies. The issue I am facing is when writing out the processed data using w
Use bit64, it is a S3 class for vectors for 64bit Integers
options(digits = 22)
tbl_df <- data.frame(GEOID = seq(from=60150001022000, to=60150001022005, 1))
> tbl_df
1 60150001022000
2 60150001022001
3 60150001022002
4 60150001022003
5 60150001022004
6 60150001022005
tbl_df$GEOID <- as.integer64(tbl_df$GEOID)
If you read this data again in R, it will assign the correct datatype.
dfr <- read_csv('test.csv')
> dfr
Source: local data frame [6 x 1]
1 60150001022000
2 60150001022001
3 60150001022002
4 60150001022003
5 60150001022004
6 60150001022005
> str(tbl_df)
'data.frame': 6 obs. of 1 variable:
Classes ‘tbl_df’, ‘tbl’ and 'data.frame': 6 obs. of 1 variable:
$ GEOID: num 6.02e+13 6.02e+13 6.02e+13 6.02e+13 6.02e+13 ...
Hope this helps. I opened the csv in a text editor, the numbers had "" around them. But it still worked.