C++11 lambdas are great!
But one thing is missing, which is how to safely deal with mutable data.
The following will give bad counts after the first count:
Here's my testing code. It uses recursive function to compare the address of lambda parameters with other stack based variables.
void fun2( std::function callback ) {
void fun1(int n) {
if(n <= 0) return;
printf("stack address = %p, ", &n);
fun2([n]() {
printf("capture address = %p\n", &n);
fun1(n - 1);
int main() {
return 0;
Compile the code with mingw64 and runs on Win7, it output
stack address = 000000000022F1E0, capture address = 00000000002F6D20
stack address = 000000000022F0C0, capture address = 00000000002F6D40
stack address = 000000000022EFA0, capture address = 00000000002F6D60
stack address = 000000000022EE80, capture address = 00000000002F6D80
stack address = 000000000022ED60, capture address = 00000000002F6DA0
stack address = 000000000022EC40, capture address = 00000000002F6DC0
stack address = 000000000022EB20, capture address = 00000000007A7810
stack address = 000000000022EA00, capture address = 00000000007A7820
stack address = 000000000022E8E0, capture address = 00000000007A7830
stack address = 000000000022E7C0, capture address = 00000000007A7840
It's obvious that the captured parameter is not located on stack area, and the address of captured parameters is not continuous.
So I believe that some compilers may use dynamical memory allocation to
capture lambda parameters.