Is there any class, library or some piece of code which will help me to upload files with HTTPWebrequest?
Edit 2:
I do not
I can never get the examples to work properly, I always receive a 500 error when sending it to the server.
However I came across a very elegant method of doing it in this url
It is easily extendible and obviously works with binary files as well as XML.
You call it using something similar to this
class Program
public static string gsaFeedURL = "";
static void Main()
catch (Exception ex)
// new one I made from C# web service
public static void postWebData()
StringDictionary dictionary = new StringDictionary();
UploadSpec uploadSpecs = new UploadSpec();
UTF8Encoding encoding = new UTF8Encoding();
byte[] bytes;
Uri gsaURI = new Uri(gsaFeedURL); // Create new URI to GSA feeder gate
string sourceURL = @"C:\FeedFile.xml"; // Location of the XML feed file
// Two parameters to send
string feedtype = "full";
string datasource = "test";
// Add the parameter values to the dictionary
dictionary.Add("feedtype", feedtype);
dictionary.Add("datasource", datasource);
// Load the feed file created and get its bytes
XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument();
bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(xml.OuterXml);
// Add data to upload specs
uploadSpecs.Contents = bytes;
uploadSpecs.FileName = sourceURL;
uploadSpecs.FieldName = "data";
// Post the data
if ((int)HttpUpload.Upload(gsaURI, dictionary, uploadSpecs).StatusCode == 200)
// GSA POST not successful
catch (Exception ex)