I have a road_events
create table road_events (
event_id number(4,0),
road_id number(4,0),
year number(4,0),
from_meas number
I had a problem with your "road events", because of you don't describe what is 1st meas
, I posit it is period between 0 and 1 without 1.
so, you can count this with one query:
with newest_MEAS as (
select ROAD_ID, MEAS.m, max(year) y
from road_events
join (select rownum -1 m
from dual
connect by rownum -1 <= (select max(TOTAL_ROAD_LENGTH) from road_events) ) MEAS
on MEAS.m between FROM_MEAS and TO_MEAS
group by ROAD_ID, MEAS.m )
select re.event_id, nm.ROAD_ID, re.total_road_length, nm.y, count(nm.m) EVENT_LENGTH
from newest_MEAS nm
join road_events re
on nm.ROAD_ID = re.ROAD_ID
and nm.m between re.from_meas and re.to_meas -1
and nm.y = re.year
group by re.event_id, nm.ROAD_ID, re.total_road_length, nm.y
order by event_id
SQL Fiddle