I have a road_events
create table road_events (
event_id number(4,0),
road_id number(4,0),
year number(4,0),
from_meas number
There is another way to calculate this, with from and to values:
part_begin_point as (
Select distinct road_id, from_meas point
from road_events be
Select distinct road_id, to_meas point
from road_events ee
, newest_part as (
select e.event_id
, e.road_id
, e.year
, e.total_road_length
, p.point
, LAG(e.event_id) over (partition by p.road_id order by p.point) prev_event
, e.to_meas event_to_meas
from part_begin_point p
join road_events e
on p.road_id = e.road_id
and p.point >= e.from_meas and p.point < e.to_meas
and not exists(
select 1 from road_events ne
where e.road_id = ne.road_id
and p.point >= ne.from_meas and p.point < ne.to_meas
and (e.year < ne.year or e.year = ne.year and e.event_id < ne.event_id))
select event_id, road_id, year
, point from_meas
, LEAD(point, 1, event_to_meas) over (partition by road_id order by point) to_meas
, total_road_length
, LEAD(point, 1, event_to_meas) over (partition by road_id order by point) - point EVENT_LENGTH
from newest_part
where 1=1
and event_id <> prev_event or prev_event is null
order by event_id, point
SQL Fiddle