While using NestJS to create API\'s I was wondering which is the best way to handle errors/exception. I have found two different approaches :
You may want to bind services not only to HTTP interface, but also for GraphQL or any other interface. So it is better to cast business-logic level exceptions from services to Http-level exceptions (BadRequestException, ForbiddenException) in controllers.
In the simpliest way it could look like
import { BadRequestException, Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
export class HttpHelperService {
async transformExceptions(action: Promise): Promise {
try {
return await action;
} catch (error) {
if (error.name === 'QueryFailedError') {
if (/^duplicate key value violates unique constraint/.test(error.message)) {
throw new BadRequestException(error.detail);
} else if (/violates foreign key constraint/.test(error.message)) {
throw new BadRequestException(error.detail);
} else {
throw error;
} else {
throw error;
and then