I am using the TweenMax JS library with the ColorPropsPlugin which will tween color values which are specified in many formats, the problem I have is that the result is always i
function parseColor(color) {
var arr=[]; color.replace(/[\d+\.]+/g, function(v) { arr.push(parseFloat(v)); });
return {
hex: "#" + arr.slice(0, 3).map(toHex).join(""),
opacity: arr.length == 4 ? arr[3] : 1
function toHex(int) {
var hex = int.toString(16);
return hex.length == 1 ? "0" + hex : hex;
parseColor("rgb(210, 10, 10)"); // {"hex":"#d20a0a","opacity":1}
parseColor("rgba(210, 10, 10, 0.5)"); // {"hex":"#d20a0a","opacity":"0.5"}
parseColor("rgb(210)"); // {"hex":"#d2","opacity":1}