I have resource (music file) pointed by Uri. How can I check if it is available before I try to play it with MediaPlayer?
Its Uri is stored in database, so when the file
There are few methods of DocumentProvider when applied to uri, return null if there is no document underlying uri. I chose getType(uri) which returns mime type of the document/file. If no document/file exists represented in uri, it returns null. Hence, to detect whether documennt/file exists or not, you can use this method like below.
public static boolean exists(Context context, Uri uri)
return context.getContentResolver().getType(uri) !=null;
Other methods mentioned like querying the uri to get documentID or opening inputstream/outputstream did not work because they throw filenotfound exception if document/file does not exist, which resulted in crashing of app.
You may attempt other methods which return null instead of throwing filenotfoundexception, if document/file does not exist.