From within a property wrapper in Swift, can you someone refer back to the instance of the class or struck that owns the property being wrapped? Using self
The answer is no, it's not possible with the current specification.
I wanted to do something similar. The best I could come up with was to use reflection in a function at the end of init(...)
. At least this way you can annotate your types and only add a single function call in init()
fileprivate protocol BindableObjectPropertySettable {
var didSet: () -> Void { get set }
class BindableObjectProperty: BindableObjectPropertySettable {
var value: T {
didSet {
var didSet: () -> Void = { }
init(initialValue: T) {
self.value = initialValue
extension BindableObject {
// Call this at the end of init() after calling super
func bindProperties(_ didSet: @escaping () -> Void) {
let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: self)
for child in mirror.children {
if var child = child.value as? BindableObjectPropertySettable {
child.didSet = didSet