Is there a simple, direct way to play a WAV file from Haskell using some library and possibly such that I play many sounds at once?
I\'m aware of OpenAL but I\'m not wri
using OpenAL through ALUT:
import Control.Monad
import Sound.ALUT
playSound :: IO ()
playSound =
withProgNameAndArgs runALUTUsingCurrentContext $ \_ _ ->
(Just device) <- openDevice Nothing
(Just context) <- createContext device []
currentContext $= Just context
buffer1 <- createBuffer $ Sine 440 0 1
buffer2 <- createBuffer HelloWorld
[source] <- genObjectNames 1
queueBuffers source [buffer1,buffer2]
play [source]
sleep 4
closeDevice device
return ()
main = playSound
to load a wav file:
buffer3 <- createBuffer $ File "/path/to/file.wav"
credit goes to Chris Double: