I downloaded the Oracle SQLDeveloper, but when I opened it, it said that it requires a minimum of Java 8 and gave me the website for the download. I went on and downloaded Java
You have to set the Java home. Please follow the steps given below.
find the installation directory by right-clicking the OracledataModeler icon and "Show Package Content" this will show you the installation directory on a Mac
Go to the (installation directoy for example ) /Users/user directory/Downloads/OracleDataModeler.app/Contents/Resources/datamodeler/datamodeler/bin
edit the datamodeler.conf file in the \datamodeler\datamodeler\bin directory
and add SetJavaHome. (e.g. SetJavaHome /usr/lib/jdk18
SetJavaHome /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_221.jdk/Contents/Home
Start the SQL data modeler from (installation directory) /Users/user directory/Downloads/OracleDataModeler.app/Contents/Resources/datamodeler/datamodeler.sh