How do I split a deck of cards? I have an array made and a random card dealer, but have no idea how to split the deck.
Thanks everyone for the help! I now have a working
You can create an extension on SequenceType
, and create a function named divide
This function would iterate through the elements of the sequence while placing those that match the predicate into one array (slice
) and those that do not match into another array (remainder
The function returns a tuple containing the slice
and the remainder
extension SequenceType {
Returns a tuple with 2 arrays.
The first array (the slice) contains the elements of self that match the predicate.
The second array (the remainder) contains the elements of self that do not match the predicate.
func divide(@noescape predicate: (Self.Generator.Element) -> Bool) -> (slice: [Self.Generator.Element], remainder: [Self.Generator.Element]) {
var slice: [Self.Generator.Element] = []
var remainder: [Self.Generator.Element] = []
forEach {
switch predicate($0) {
case true : slice.append($0)
case false : remainder.append($0)
return (slice, remainder)
This is an example
let tuple = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].divide({ $0 >= 3 })
tuple.slice // [3, 4, 5]
tuple.remainder // [1, 2]