In the third last line of the below code, how can I find the firebase URL. I am not able to find it. Can anyone provide me the best link on how to setup firebase facebook login
For Firestore I tried this to find get the databaseUrl and it works for me:
Go to Cloud Firestore
tab and take the id as circled in the image.
Then the databaseURL
Tested this with Python and Firebase Admin sdk
import firebase_admin
from firebase_admin import credentials, firestore
cred = credentials.Certificate("./firebase-admin.json")
firebase_admin.initialize_app(cred, {
'databaseURL': ''
db = firestore.client()
for k in db.collection("countries").get():
print(, k.to_dict())
A {'name': 'aaaaa'}
C {'name': 'C2'}
Apparently I can use any databaseURL and it still works:
'databaseURL': ''