rubocop is a code style checker for Ruby. A similar tool to rubocop, Cane, can be integrated with Rake. I prefer rubocop to Cane since rubocop makes checks based on the Ruby Sty
You can shell out via Rake with the options you prefer:
desc 'Run Rubocop with options'
task rubocop: :environment do
sh 'bundle exec rubocop -D --format offenses --format progress || true'
I then recommend modifying the default task to include the output. The trick is to clear the task and then add back what you want. Note the need to end with || true
so that an error from Rubocop will not prevent the next task from running. Here's what I do, which also uses parallel tests:
task(:default).clear.enhance ['parallel:parallel_prepare', 'parallel:spec',
'parallel:features', 'lint:rubocop',