Python 3.4.2
I am learning asyncio and I use it to continously listen IPC bus, while gbulb listens to the dbus.
So I created a fun
The reasons this happens is as explained by @Yeray Diaz Diaz
In my case, I wanted to cancel all the tasks that were not done after the first finished, so I ended up cancelling the extra jobs, then using loop._run_once()
to run the loop a bit more and allow them to stop:
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
job = asyncio.wait(tasks, return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED)
tasks_finished,tasks_pending, = loop.run_until_complete(job)
tasks_done = [t for t in tasks_finished if t.exception() is None]
if tasks_done == 0:
raise Exception("Failed for all tasks.")
assert len(tasks_done) == 1
data = tasks_done[0].result()
for t in tasks_pending:
while not all([t.done() for t in tasks_pending]):