Is it possible to Scan a Multibranch Pipeline to detect the branches with a Jenkinsfile
, but without the pipeline execution?
My projects have different branc
Also, you can do it programatically
import jenkins.branch.*
import jenkins.model.Jenkins
for (f in Jenkins.instance.getAllItems(jenkins.branch.MultiBranchProject.class)) {
if (f.parent instanceof jenkins.branch.OrganizationFolder) {
for (s in f.sources) {
def prop = new jenkins.branch.NoTriggerBranchProperty();
def propList = [prop] as jenkins.branch.BranchProperty[];
def strategy = new jenkins.branch.DefaultBranchPropertyStrategy(propList);
This is a Groovy snippet you can execute in Jenkins, it's gonna do the scanning but will not start new "builds" for all discovered branches.