We use TeamCity as our CI server, and I\'ve just started seeing \"TestFixtureSetUp Failed\"
in the test failure window.
Any idea how I go about debugging th
I ran into this today when creating some integration tests that have long running setup that I don't want to duplicate. I ended up wrapping all the test fixture setup logic in a try/catch. I then add a SetUp method whose sole purpose is to see if a failure occurred during fixture setup and provide better logging.
Exception testFixtureSetupException = null;
public void FixtureSetup()
// DoTestFixtureSetup
catch (Exception ex)
testFixtureSetupException = ex;
// NUnit doesn't support very useful logging of failures from a TestFixtureSetUp method. We'll do the logging here.
public void CheckForTestFixturefailure()
if (testFixtureSetupException != null)
string msg = string.Format("There was a failure during test fixture setup, resulting in a {1} exception. You should check the state of the storage accounts in Azure before re-running the RenewStorageAccountE2ETests. {0}Exception Message: {3}{0}Stack Trace:{4}",
Environment.NewLine, testFixtureSetupException.GetType(), accountNamePrefix, testFixtureSetupException.Message, testFixtureSetupException.StackTrace);