I am new to coverage and ran into a strange problem. My coverage is taking my virtual environment site packages into account. Here is the output of the coverage run:
Try using py.test and then specifiying your test options in a setup.cfg file. You will need to pip install pytest first.
For example:
norecursedirs = build docs/_build *.egg .tox *.venv
python_files = tests/functional* tests/integration*
addopts =
--tb short
# Turn on --capture to have brief, less noisy output
# You will only see output if the test fails
# Use --capture no if you want to see it all or have problems debugging
--capture fd
# --capture no
# show extra test summary info as specified by chars (f)ailed, (E)error, (s)skipped, (x)failed, (X)passed.
- rfEsxX
--junitxml junit.xml
--cov workspace --cov-report xml --cov-report term-missing
You can read more about configuring py.test here: https://pytest.org/latest/customize.html