Consider the following code:
hash1 = {\"one\" => 1, \"two\" => 2, \"three\" => 3}
hash2 = hash1.reduce({}){ |h, (k,v)| h.merge(k => hash1) }
You cannot use this method for params or any other instance of ActionController::Parameters
any more, because deep_symbolize_keys
method is deprecated in Rails 5.0+ due to security reasons and will be removed in Rails 5.1+ as ActionController::Parameters
no longer
inherits from Hash
So this approach by @Uri Agassi seems to be the universal one.
JSON.parse(JSON[h], symbolize_names: true)
However, Rails Hash object still does have it.
So options are:
if you don't use Rails or just don't care:
JSON.parse(JSON[h], symbolize_names: true)
with Rails and ActionController::Parameters:
with Rails and plain Hash