stringExp = \"2^4\"
intVal = int(stringExp) # Expected value: 16
This returns the following error:
Traceback (most recent call
You can use the ast module and write a NodeVisitor that verifies that the type of each node is part of a whitelist.
import ast, math
locals = {key: value for (key,value) in vars(math).items() if key[0] != '_'}
locals.update({"abs": abs, "complex": complex, "min": min, "max": max, "pow": pow, "round": round})
class Visitor(ast.NodeVisitor):
def visit(self, node):
if not isinstance(node, self.whitelist):
raise ValueError(node)
return super().visit(node)
whitelist = (ast.Module, ast.Expr, ast.Load, ast.Expression, ast.Add, ast.Sub, ast.UnaryOp, ast.Num, ast.BinOp,
ast.Mult, ast.Div, ast.Pow, ast.BitOr, ast.BitAnd, ast.BitXor, ast.USub, ast.UAdd, ast.FloorDiv, ast.Mod,
ast.LShift, ast.RShift, ast.Invert, ast.Call, ast.Name)
def evaluate(expr, locals = {}):
if any(elem in expr for elem in '\n#') : raise ValueError(expr)
node = ast.parse(expr.strip(), mode='eval')
return eval(compile(node, "", "eval"), {'__builtins__': None}, locals)
except Exception: raise ValueError(expr)
Because it works via a whitelist rather than a blacklist, it is safe. The only functions and variables it can access are those you explicitly give it access to. I populated a dict with math-related functions so you can easily provide access to those if you want, but you have to explicitly use it.
If the string attempts to call functions that haven't been provided, or invoke any methods, an exception will be raised, and it will not be executed.
Because this uses Python's built in parser and evaluator, it also inherits Python's precedence and promotion rules as well.
>>> evaluate("7 + 9 * (2 << 2)")
>>> evaluate("6 // 2 + 0.0")
The above code has only been tested on Python 3.
If desired, you can add a timeout decorator on this function.