If I understand correctly, the Graph API enables access to public pages using a generic access token. I\'m finding however that many public pages are not returned in search resu
By specifying GRAPH API user token, you simply meant that you are using user preferences and information . if your intention is to fetch some public page information , then you need that page userid or username . And , if you are intention is to grab all the public data which is available for your particular user , then you have to pass oAUTH system,Since indirectly you are accessing his information which is meant public under some facebook govern rules .
Accessing public page by providing user id
By writing the id of that page,you ca access its information. Now the question is how to access the id of that particular page, Manually just visit that page --> photo album . on the top of that page,you will see something like "Album Videos" . Just visit any of that link.now see,woola the id of that page is visible to you . something like this url
And btw,if you are interested in performing search , then you need to specify user token. facebook do some algorithmic search for all users and track user activities . So , the result will not always the same for you and me , as an example .