So I am building a HTML page, in which i need a Google Map and a simple form which consists of two fields latitude and longitude.
For anyone who will come later, suppose you want to update your map latitudes and longitudes from an array(like in case you have a list of cities), you can try this:
Globaly declare your variables and array
var latlon;
var map;
var coords = {
'agra': '27.1767, 78.0081',
'noida': '28.5355, 77.3910',
'kanpur':'26.4499, 80.3319',
Add a function that will work on your selects on change, so that when you change a city, the map automatically changes.
function firemapChange(value)
var c = coords[value].split(',');
var latlon = new google.maps.LatLng(c[0], c[1]);
// map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('mapdiv'), {
//center: {lat: position.coords.latitude, lng: position.coords.longitude},
// center: latlon,
// zoom: 13,
// mapTypeId: 'roadmap'
Why i have commented so many lines? It is because i was accidentally creating a new map object. Since my map also had a search box, the search box disappeared and all its functionality was lost. So, it is better to avoid creating a new map, and create a global variable
finally in your HTML, you do something like this: