I am designing an admin interface where invite mails will be sent to users. My Invitation model is ready & in my invitation admin interface I am able to see my added users f
Regarding the send button for each row, you can give your model (or ModelAdmin) a new function which returns the corresponding HTML pointing to your views (or calling corresponding AJAX functions). Just add your function to the ModelAdmin's "list_display" and make sure that HTML tags don't get escaped:
class MyModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
list_display = ('name', 'email', 'sender', 'send_email_html')
def send_email_html(self, obj):
# example using a javascript function send_email()
return 'Send Now' % obj.id
send_email_html.short_description = 'Send Email'
send_email_html.allow_tags = True
Regarding the use of an action, define "actions" in your ModelAdmin as a list containing your function which takes modeladmin, request, queryset as parameters:
def send_email_action(modeladmin, request, queryset):
send_email.short_description = 'Send email'
class MyModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
actions = [