We can hide particular days of week from fullcalendar by Setting hiddenDays property.
i need to hide alternate saturdays of a month.
is it possi
You can use the dayRender callback function:
This callback lets you modify day cells that are part of the month, basicWeek, and basicDay views. See Available Views.
date is the native Date object for the given day.
to check if the displayed is an odd saturday; to do so you can get the number of week of the date and check if it's odd.
Date.prototype.getWeekOfMonth = function(exact) {
var month = this.getMonth()
, year = this.getFullYear()
, firstWeekday = new Date(year, month, 1).getDay()
, lastDateOfMonth = new Date(year, month + 1, 0).getDate()
, offsetDate = this.getDate() + firstWeekday - 1
, index = 1 // start index at 0 or 1, your choice
, weeksInMonth = index + Math.ceil((lastDateOfMonth + firstWeekday - 7) / 7)
, week = index + Math.floor(offsetDate / 7)
if (exact || week < 2 + index) return week;
return week === weeksInMonth ? index + 5 : week;
function isOdd(num) { return num % 2;}
header: {
left: 'prev,next today',
center: 'title',
right: 'month,agendaWeek,agendaDay'
editable: true,
events: [{
title: 'event1',
start: '2014-01-07'
}, {
title: 'event2',
start: '2014-01-10',
end: '2013-05-15'
}, {
title: 'event3',
start: '2014-01-13 12:30:00',
allDay: false // will make the time show
dayRender: function (date, cell) {
if (date.getDay() == 6 && isOdd(date.getWeekOfMonth())) {
Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/IrvinDominin/cjTF9/