For the evaluation of tickets processed by a help desk I would like to know how many business hours an ticket is active. I can easily subtract the times and get the total amount
I have tried the solutions of both @mvan and @Steffan Jansson. Unfortunately they both didn't suit my needs. The first returns incorrect information. The latter is to slow for my requirements and doesn't take daylight saving time into account.
I created a function that is quicker and does take daylight saving into account. You can specify business hours and holidays.
The function accepts 5 arguments. 3 of them are optional.
start <- as.POSIXct('2014-09-27 10:12:37', tz = 'Europe/Amsterdam')
end <- as.POSIXct('2016-12-10 20:04:18', tz = 'Europe/Amsterdam')
biz_hrs(start, end, '10:00', '17:00')
You can also run it on dataframe columns. Make sure that every value is formatted properly. If an end value is older than a start value, the function returns NA. To change that edit line 6
biz_hrs <- Vectorize(function(start, end, starting_time = '9:00', ending_time = '17:00', holidays = NULL){
if(end < start){
} else {
start_datetime <- as.POSIXct(paste0(substr(start,1,11), starting_time, ':00'))
end_datetime <- as.POSIXct(paste0(substr(end,1,11), ending_time, ':00'))
if(as.Date(start) == as.Date(end) & !as.Date(start) %in% holidays & !format(as.Date(start), "%u") %in% c(6,7)){ #if starting time stamp is on same day as ending time stamp and if day is not a holiday or weekend
if(start > start_datetime & end < end_datetime){ #if starting time stamp is later than start business hour and ending time stamp is earlier then ending business hour.
return(as.numeric(difftime(end, start), units = 'hours'))
} else if(start > start_datetime & end > end_datetime & start < end_datetime){ #if starting time stamp is later than end business hour and ending time stamp is earlier then ending business hour.
return(as.numeric(difftime(as.POSIXct(paste0(substr(start,1,11), ending_time, ':00')), start), units = 'hours'))
} else if(start < start_datetime & end < end_datetime & end > start_datetime){ #if starting time stamp is earlier than end business hour and ending time stamp is later than starting business hour.
return(as.numeric(difftime(end, start_datetime), units = 'hours'))
} else if(start > end_datetime & end > end_datetime){ #if starting time stamp is later than end business hour and ending time stamp is later than ending business hour.
} else if(start < start_datetime & end < start_datetime){ #if starting time stamp is earlier than start business hour and ending time stamp is earlier than starting business hour.
} else {
return(as.numeric(difftime(end_datetime, start_datetime), units = 'hours'))
} else { #if starting time stamp and ending time stamp occured on a different day.
business_hrs <- as.numeric(difftime(as.POSIXct(paste0('2017-01-01', ending_time, ':00')),
as.POSIXct(paste0('2017-01-01', starting_time, ':00')) #calculate business hours range by specified parameters
), units = 'hours')
start_day_hrs <- ifelse(start < as.POSIXct(paste0(substr(start,1,11), ending_time, ':00')) & !as.Date(start) %in% holidays & !format(as.Date(start), "%u") %in% c(6,7), #if start time stamp is earlier than specified ending time
as.numeric(difftime(as.POSIXct(paste0(substr(start,1,11), ending_time, ':00')), start), units = 'hours'), #calculate time between time stamp and specified ending time
0 #else set zero
) #calculate amount of time on starting day
start_day_hrs <- pmin(start_day_hrs, business_hrs) #cap the maximum amount of hours dertermined by the specified business hours
end_day_hrs <- ifelse(end > as.POSIXct(paste0(substr(end,1,11), starting_time, ':00')) & !as.Date(end) %in% holidays & !format(as.Date(end), "%u") %in% c(6,7), #if end time stamp is later than specified starting time
as.numeric(difftime(end, as.POSIXct(paste0(substr(end,1,11), starting_time, ':00'))), units = 'hours'), #calculate time between time stamp and specified starting time
0) #calculate amount of time on ending day
end_day_hrs <- pmin(end_day_hrs, business_hrs) #cap the maximum amount of hours dertermined by the specified business hours
days_between <- seq(as.Date(start), as.Date(end), by = 1) #create a vector of dates (from and up to including) the starting time stamp and ending time stamp
business_days <- days_between[!days_between %in% c(as.Date(start), as.Date(end)) & !days_between %in% holidays & !format(as.Date(days_between), "%u") %in% c(6,7)] #remove weekends and holidays from vector of dates
return(as.numeric(((length(business_days) * business_hrs) + start_day_hrs + end_day_hrs))) #multiply the remaining number of days in the vector (business days) by the amount of business hours and add hours from the starting and end day. Return the result