Gatekeeper quarantine issue with certificate

后端 未结 2 611
南方客 2021-02-06 19:04

Our app has been code signed. Our Apple certificate is up to date. Previous versions of our app have run just fine.

However, when the DMG is downloaded by the users, on

  •  有刺的猬
    2021-02-06 19:43

    I think you may be a bit confused about how quarantine, code signing, and Gatekeeper work. The error you're seeing is from Gatekeeper, and indicates two different (and independent) things: 1) the app is quarantined (which has to do with how it was downloaded, not how it's signed) and 2) it is not signed in a way that complies with the Gatekeeper policy defined in Security & Privacy preferences. Let me explain these two things in more detail.

    • Quarantine is a result of the app (or the disk image it was in) being downloaded. When you download a file with a browser, the browser will attach a attribute to it, indicating that it came from an untrusted network source. Other types of internet apps (email, chat, etc) should also attach this attribute to downloaded files.

      But not all network download methods will apply the quarantine attribute. For example, copying a file over a file sharing connection (e.g. AFP or SMB) with the Finder will not mark it as being in quarantine. Also, command-line tools like curl and wget won't apply quarantine.

      In your case, when you download the .dmg file, it gets marked as quarantined; when you open it, the attribute gets propagated to its contents, so the app is also marked as being in quarantine (and if you copy it to /Applications, the quarantine attribute gets copied along with everything else).

      To check whether a file is quarantined, use ls -l@ on it and look for the attribute. It's entirely possible that the difference you're seeing between different computers has to do with how the disk image was downloaded and therefore whether the apps are quarantined.

    • When you open a quarantined app, Gatekeeper checks to see whether it complies with you computer's security policy subsystem. This is where code signing comes into it. You can view and change your policy in System Preferences -> Security & Privacy pane -> General tab -> "Allow apps downloaded from" or with the spctl command-line tool. The default policy is to allow quarantined apps that are from the Mac App Store (i.e. signed with Apple's app store keys) or from an identified developer (i.e. signed with a developer ID key issued by Apple to a registered developer).

      When you try to open an app that's quarantined, and not signed in a way that complies with this policy, you get an error saying that " cannot be opened because it is from an unidentified developer" or "... was not downloaded from the Mac App Store." If it's quarantined but does comply with the policy, you get a message that " is an application downloaded from the internet. Are you sure you want to open it?" (with an Open button available). If it's not quarantined, the check is not performed, and the app opens directly.

      You can get more information about the code signing and policy status of an application with spctl --assess -vv /path/to/ (which'll tell you whether it complies with the Gatekeeper policy) and codesign -dvv /path/to/

    In summary, quarantine is normal and you should expect your users to experience it (and if you're not seeing it on one of your test computers, there's something wrong with how you're testing). Gatekeeper errors depend on both proper signing (check with codesign and spctl) and the Gatekeeper policy settings on the computer; check both to see what's going on.
