I am working with the Twitter Bootstrap. I need to redirect the page after 30 seconds. I want to use the Twitter Bootstrap Progress Bar to indicate how long till the page redire
Very basic example:
var bar = document.getElementById('progress'),
time = 0, max = 5,
int = setInterval(function() {
bar.style.width = Math.floor(100 * time++ / max) + '%';
time - 1 == max && clearInterval(int);
}, 1000);
Code wrapped in function:
function countdown(callback) {
var bar = document.getElementById('progress'),
time = 0, max = 5,
int = setInterval(function() {
bar.style.width = Math.floor(100 * time++ / max) + '%';
if (time - 1 == max) {
// 600ms - width animation time
callback && setTimeout(callback, 600);
}, 1000);
countdown(function() {
body {padding: 50px;}