I\'m actualy using Chart JS 2.0.1 to draw charts on a page.
My customers asked me to add a line in a bar chart so that they can see the limit they can\'t go over. Like
This is helpful but I found it not that optimized to add new Dataset just for a line that is actually not a data.
I finally suceeded in creating the new type that extend the bar type and add a line if the value is provided.
// Store the original Draw function
var originalLineDraw = Chart.controllers.bar.prototype.draw;
// extend the new type
Chart.helpers.extend(Chart.controllers.bar.prototype, {
draw: function () {
// use the base draw function
originalLineDraw.apply(this, arguments);
// get chart and context
var chart = this.chart;
var ctx = chart.chart.ctx;
// get lineAtValue value
var value = chart.config.lineAtValue;
// stop if it doesn't exist
if (typeof value === "undefined") {
// draw the line
var xaxis = chart.scales['x-axis-0'];
var yaxis = chart.scales['y-axis-0'];
ctx.moveTo(xaxis.left, yaxis.getPixelForValue(value));
ctx.strokeStyle = '#ff0000';
ctx.lineTo(xaxis.right, yaxis.getPixelForValue(value));
But thank you for your help =)