When I went to generate the devise views I wanted to modify the new registration page to capture more than just the email & password. My devise user model has fields like
Take a look at the Rails and Devise example application from the RailsApps project. I've also written a Rails Devise Tutorial that explains in detail how to add attributes to a Devise sign-up form.
You need to tell Devise that the additional attributes are "permitted parameters." Otherwise, the "strong parameters" security measure introduced in Rails 4.0 will simply drop the unpermitted parameters, creating a new user without setting the additional attributes.
There are three different ways to add permitted parameters in Devise:
The third way is the simplest. Add a file to your application:
# config/initializers/devise_permitted_parameters.rb
module DevisePermittedParameters
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
before_filter :configure_permitted_parameters
def configure_permitted_parameters
devise_parameter_sanitizer.for(:sign_up) << :first_name << :last_name << :phone << :addressL1 << :addressL2 << :city << :postalCode << :province
devise_parameter_sanitizer.for(:account_update) << :first_name << :last_name << :phone << :addressL1 << :addressL2 << :city << :postalCode << :province
DeviseController.send :include, DevisePermittedParameters
You can see that you pass the additional parameters to the devise_parameter_sanitizer
method. These two lines tell Devise to accommodate additional attributes. If you want to add other attributes, or different attributes, modify these two statements.
The rest of the file implements a Rails concern. Concerns are modules that can be mixed into models and controllers to add shared code. Typically, these modules go in a app/controllers/concerns/ folder and are added to a controller with an include
keyword. In this case, we use the Ruby send method to add our mixin to the DeviseController
object, adding include DevisePermittedParameters
to the DeviseController without actually editing the code.
After making these changes and trying the application, you should see the additional attributes in the user record. If it doesn't work, show us more of your code, including the user model and controller.