I have the below auth guards that is defined for my app admins
, designers
, customers
and etc. the default guard is the designer guar
I am Posting this answer, For every one who might face the problem no-days. I am using laravel 7 and beyondcode/laravel-websockets
. As I dig in the source code specifying midllewares in BoradcastServiceProvider.php will not work. The only way to define a guard for a channel is by specifying options for the channel:
Broadcast::channel('messaging.organ.{id}', function ($organ , $id) {
return $organ->id == $id && get_class($organ) === "App\Organization";
} , ['guards' => ['organ']]);
because I am using beyondcode/laravel-websockets
so I dig in src/Illuminate/Broadcasting/Broadcasters/PusherBroadcaster.php
and in this file the retrieveUser
method will get the user. in this file if an option for the channel is provided the user in the specified guards will be returned. you can define one or multiple guards, however it will only returns one user who is logged in as a guard that comes first in the array.
protected function retrieveUser($request, $channel)
$options = $this->retrieveChannelOptions($channel);
$guards = $options['guards'] ?? null;
if (is_null($guards)) {
return $request->user();
foreach (Arr::wrap($guards) as $guard) {
if ($user = $request->user($guard)) {
return $user;