I have the below auth guards that is defined for my app admins
, designers
, customers
and etc. the default guard is the designer guar
Try changing in BroadcastServiceProvider
file app\Providers\BroadcastServiceProvider.php
Different broadcast auth end point for each guards
public function boot()
//match any of the 3 auth guards
Broadcast::routes(['middleware' => ['web','auth:admins,designers,customers']]);
require base_path('routes/channels.php');
Now in channels.php
Broadcast::channel('admins.channel.{id}', function ($model, $id) {
return $model->id === $id && get_class($model) === 'App\Admin';
Broadcast::channel('designers.channel.{id}', function ($model, $id) {
return $model->id === $id && get_class($model) === 'App\Designer';
Broadcast::channel('customers.channel.{id}', function ($model, $id) {
return $model->id === $id && get_class($model) === 'App\Customer';