I find this particular graph in ISLR (Figure 2.13) or ESL very well done. I can\'t guess how the authors would have made this in R. I know how to get the orange and blue points
This was my silly attempt at approximation. Clearly the issues raised by @StephenKolassa are valid and not handled by this approximation.
myCurve1 = function (x)
abs(x[[1]] * sin(x[[1]]) + x[[2]] * sin(x[[2]]))
myCurve2 = function (x)
abs(x[[1]] * cos(x[[1]]) + x[[2]] * cos(x[[2]]))
myCurve3 = function (x)
abs(x[[1]] * tan(x[[1]]) + x[[2]] * tan(x[[2]]))
tmp = function (myCurve, seed=99) {
points = replicate(100, runif(2))
colors = ifelse(apply(points, 2, myCurve) > 0.5, "orange", "blue")
# Confound some
swapInts = sample.int(length(colors), 6)
for (i in swapInts) {
if (colors[[i]] == "orange") {
colors[[i]] = "blue"
} else {
colors[[i]] = "orange"
gridPoints = seq(0, 1, 0.005)
gridPoints = as.matrix(expand.grid(gridPoints, gridPoints))
gridColors = vector("character", nrow(gridPoints))
gridPch = vector("character", nrow(gridPoints))
for (i in 1:nrow(gridPoints)) {
val = myCurve(gridPoints[i, ])
if (val > 0.505) {
gridColors[[i]] = "orange"
gridPch[[i]] = "."
} else if (val < 0.495) {
gridColors[[i]] = "blue"
gridPch[[i]] = "."
} else {
gridColors[[i]] = "purple"
gridPch[[i]] = "*"
plot(x=gridPoints[ , 1], y=gridPoints[ , 2], col=gridColors, pch=gridPch)
points(x=points[1, ], y=points[2, ], col=colors, lwd=2)
par(mfrow=c(1, 3))