I did see the other question titled \'how to use django reverse a generic view\' and \'django named urls, generic views\' however my question is a little different and I do not
Here's a solution to the problem I found here: http://andr.in/2009/11/21/calling-reverse-in-django/
I have pasted the code snippet below in case that link disappears:
from django.conf.urls.defaults import * from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.utils.functional import lazy from django.http import HttpResponse reverse_lazy = lazy(reverse, str) urlpatterns = patterns('', url(r'^comehere/', lambda request: HttpResponse('Welcome!'), name='comehere'), url(r'^$', 'django.views.generic.simple.redirect_to', {'url': reverse_lazy('comehere')}, name='root') )