In the admin interface of Magento I need to modify the tables in the Sales / Order / View order so that it shows, besides the products name, their manufacturer as well.
For adding the table header and it's value add layout sales_order_view.xml in your theme or module with new argument.
- Product
- Item Status
- Original Price
- Price
- Qty
- Subtotal
- Tax Amount
- Tax Percent
- Discount Amount
- Row Total
- Repair
- col-product
- col-status
- col-price-original
- col-price
- col-ordered-qty
- col-subtotal
- col-tax-amount
- col-tax-percent
- col-discont
- col-total
- col-repair
` I have added new column with name repair. now you have to add value for that column. so you have to override '\Magento\Sales\Block\Adminhtml\Order\View\Items\Renderer\DefaultRenderer' file in your block and in getColumnHtml() method you have to add your value for that column.