I have an application that posts music videos from YouTube to a Facebook user\'s wall. The post on Facebook would have this embed video be playable from Facebook. Recently it st
Normally to share YouTube videos to Facebook pages you only need message, link, source, picture parameters. Even you can also skip the source, picture parameters if you wish to. Thats is if you are using FacebookC#SDK to share video to Facebook all you need is following code
var fb = new Facebook.FacebookClient(yourPageAccessToken);
argList["message"] = message;
argList["link"] = "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=" + specialOffer.YoutubeId;
argList["source"] = "http://www.youtube.com/v/" + specialOffer.YoutubeId;
argList["picture"] = "http://img.youtube.com/vi/" + specialOffer.YoutubeId + "/0.jpg";
fb.Post("feed", argList);
var fb = new Facebook.FacebookClient(yourPageAccessToken);
argList["message"] = message;
argList["link"] = "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=" + specialOffer.YoutubeId;
fb.Post("feed", argList);