I need to make 100k head requests, and I\'m using gevent on top of requests. My code runs for a while, but then eventually hangs. I\'m not sure why it\'s hanging, or whether it\
I'm not sure if this will resolve your issue, but you are not using pool.Pool() correctly.
Try this:
def expand_short_urls(short_urls, chunk_size=100):
# Pool() automatically limits your process to chunk_size greenlets running concurrently
# thus you don't need to do all that chunking business you were doing in your for loop
p = pool.Pool(chunk_size)
print 'Expanding %d short_urls' % len(short_urls)
# spawn() (both gevent.spawn() and Pool.spawn()) returns a gevent.Greenlet object
# NOT the value your function, get_head, will return
threads = [p.spawn(get_head, short_url) for short_url in short_urls]
# to access the returned value of your function, access the Greenlet.value property
results = {short_url: thread.value.url for short_url, thread in zip(short_urls, threads)
if thread.value is not None and thread.value.status_code == 200} return results