I\'m writing a DLL wrapper for my C++ library, to be called from C#. This wrapper should also have callback functions called from the library and implemented in C#. These functi
There is no point to using C++/cli.
And here is a real world example from my project.
public ImageSurface(byte[] pngData)
: base(ConstructImageSurfaceFromPngData(pngData), true)
offset = 0;
private static int offset;
private static IntPtr ConstructImageSurfaceFromPngData(byte[] pngData)
NativeMethods.cairo_read_func_t func = delegate(IntPtr closure, IntPtr out_data, int length)
Marshal.Copy(pngData, offset, out_data, length);
offset += length;
return Status.Success;
return NativeMethods.cairo_image_surface_create_from_png_stream(func, IntPtr.Zero);
That is used to transfer PNG data from C# to the native cairo API.
You can see how the C function pointer cairo_read_func_t is implemented in C# and then used as a callback for cairo_image_surface_create_from_png_stream.
Here is a similar example.